Friday, August 9, 2013

Guest post on - Food deserts and changing weather patterns are making farming difficult

I'm writing quite a lot over at Everythingfarm, and I'm hoping you'll take a peek at what I have to share there. :) If you'd like to read today's post, you can find it here!

Sneak peek:
It’s no surprise to most farmers in New England that big cities have become large food deserts, with only a day or two worth of food storage on hand at the best of times. When disasters strike, such as Superstorm Sandy in New Jersey and New York, places like Hoboken and New York City were in dire straits. Food stores ran out long before emergency rations could be brought in, and looting was endemic.

I am hoping to be guest blogging for them quite frequently, so do keep an eye out here, FaceBook, G+, and StumbleUpon for my posts. If there's anything you'd like to see, drop me a line!

Check back often for information on canning, preserving, general homesteading and more. If you have questions or comments, please write to me below. I love to answer questions! You can follow the blog via Network Blogs and Google Friend Connect (see the left hand column for the button). If you purchase items I have linked through Amazon or the ads on my site, I receive an affiliate portion of the sale. If you find the items are useful, please purchase from my site! 
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